XBOX 20th Anniversary & Halos

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XBOX 20th Anniversary & Halos

Death Adder
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Re: XBOX 20th Anniversary & Halos

This made me feel awfully old.  
And by awesome I mean totally sweet.
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Re: XBOX 20th Anniversary & Halos

In reply to this post by Death Adder
I remember waiting in line for two GameCubes on launch day 2001 (I was quite the hustler back then) and thinking how lame was this usurper released a few days earlier.

'Keep out of the game space!' 'Throw around your weight?! Why don't you build up cred?' These were some of the things that echoed in my head then. I despised the behavior of eating established developers to get a foothold in the industry. What I didn't know was this was a precedent set by other pubs and even Sony with the PS1. Had I known about Nintendo's anti-competitive / bullying practices, I would have totally sided with PS2 since the DC was officially killed by that point.

Am I wrong? Did Sega have clean hands?

I would have preferred MS put their muscle behind Sega by co-parenting a console with Sega (more than simply the Dev environment) because I suspect Sega didn't have a clue how to run the next gen of game consoles. MS was one step ahead of everyone.

In retrospect, I still don't like eating and dumping devs; however, MS created a gaming behemoth with an annoyingly large footprint that impresses me by how well it performs when compared to everyone else from that era.

I never played Halo beyond multi-player. Is it just hype from kids who need a Mario in green and black overalls or is it doing something different to which I should pay attention?
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Re: XBOX 20th Anniversary & Halos

Death Adder
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Re: XBOX 20th Anniversary & Halos

Isn't the blue girl a hologram? How would that work? Holodeck?

I read something once that romance stories are put into Japanese videogames and movies to appeal to females. I'm not saying you can't have an emotional story, but given the info in this post and your last regarding the current devs of Halo, I wonder whether they are turning Halo into the equivalent of those romance novels you'd see at the checkout line 30 years ago. Is it possible that the current money-spending generation of females play games more than read books and these scenarios are put into games to appeal to a wider audience?

BTW, if you want to see a movie with romance-out-of-nowhere, check out Disney's Jungle Cruise.

Do you have a thing against Nathan Fillion? I've enjoyed I think everything I've seen with the guy? Check out Dr Horrible.
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Re: XBOX 20th Anniversary & Halos

BTW, my curiosity led me to XBox miniaturizing maybe a year ago.

There is a community around creating an XBox mini. They use tiny or custom-built cases and exchange parts like the CPU heatsink / fan apparatus, DVD drive, HD, and more. It's a rabbit hole, I'd love to go down one day cause that box is big.
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Re: XBOX 20th Anniversary & Halos

Death Adder
In reply to this post by mechaMenace
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Re: XBOX 20th Anniversary & Halos

Death Adder
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Re: XBOX 20th Anniversary & Halos

In reply to this post by Death Adder
Death Adder wrote
It's just seeing his giant 57 year old booze filled face CGIed in to a Halo game is jarring. That goes for a lot of celebs in video games though.
Any time Keith mf David or Terry Crews pop up in videogames, I've enjoyed it.
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Re: XBOX 20th Anniversary & Halos

Death Adder
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