Super Nintendo Recommendations

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Super Nintendo Recommendations


Just picked this bad boy up today. Now I need some game recommendations. Please no games over $30.
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Re: Super Nintendo Recommendations

Sorry to say it man but like every game on the SNES worth playing is probably over $30 in the current retro gaming climate.  I'll do my best though.

Super Mario All Stars is a Must
Super Mario World
SMW2 Yoshis Island Probably (Never played it personally)
Super Bomberman (Super Bomberman 3-5 but you have to import those.  Modding your SNES is easy. I hear Super bomberman 2 is shit.  I've only played 1 and 5)
Bomberman B Daman (wait for my review it might not be for you)
Alien VS Predator
Donkey Kong Country 1 -3
Earth Worm Jim (Sega CD is best version and I hear Genesis version is better than SNES but I grew up with the SNES version)
Earthworm Jim 2
Final Fight
Final Fight Guy if you want to play as Guy
Knights of the Round.  Fuck yeah.
Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow (Was originally Donald Duck, still is in Euro version I believe)
Mario and Wario if you get a SNES mouse
Sim City
Star Fox
Star Trek Starfleet Academy if you like Star Trek
Super Gameboy for sure
Mario Kart
Super Metroid if you can find it for the right price
The Lost Vikings
The Lost Vikings 2
Zombies Ate my Neighbors
Zelda III

I just went through my spread sheet and recommended shit as I saw it.  I skipped over some of the more pricey games.

I'm also working on the next podcast like right this second so I'll be reading this list off on the show.  Also if you don't mind my asking how much did that SNES run you?
And by awesome I mean totally sweet.
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Re: Super Nintendo Recommendations

In reply to this post by Balzak802
Plok is still under $30, but just barely. I looked over the list JT made in 2013 and most of those games are +30. Marios are the most common SNES game and still run between 16-25 (Yoshi Island goes for more).