Shaq Fu A Legend Reborn

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Shaq Fu A Legend Reborn

What more needs to be said. Pledge the hell out of it. Just pledged my $15 to it over a week ago.

Hopefully one of the one liners in the game can be the infamous quote from the classic film Kazaam of "Let's Green Egg and Ham It". Also a Steel skin would be cool too.  

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Re: Shaq Fu A Legend Reborn

It's interesting that this exists.
And by awesome I mean totally sweet.
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Re: Shaq Fu A Legend Reborn

In reply to this post by Balzak802

So this is coming out after all these years. Chipped in the money when the campaign launched almost 4 years ago. Guess I'm gonna get to play it.

Hope for some sweet Kazaam references.
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Re: Shaq Fu A Legend Reborn


So, this came out after being in development for 4 years.

Got my code today and for $20, it's a decent beat em up. Plus you recover health completly with Icy Hot.