Proof of concept - Editing video at work

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Proof of concept - Editing video at work

I recorded the audio and game play at home this morning but I did 100% of the editing on the clock at work.  I'll probably only get bits and pieces of time to work on videos on Sunday and Monday nights but who knows.  I might actually start doing some big boy editing at work and putting together some Mondo Cool TV lads.  I have a lot of episodes in various states of completion so with the right poking and prodding I just might start using my tax funded county job to do something actually useful.
Should I try to get some MCTV done on the clock?
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And by awesome I mean totally sweet.
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Re: Proof of concept - Editing video at work

Death Adder
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Re: Proof of concept - Editing video at work

In reply to this post by JerryTerrifying
Oh damn, this fourm has polling? That's the first I've seen it in action.

Anyways, remember that Ninja Golf score you submitted to Twin Galexies Jerry? Well, a second person took the crown.

Also more MCTV reviews is a plus.  
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Re: Proof of concept - Editing video at work

In reply to this post by JerryTerrifying
Speaking of Golf Beat em Up games, ever play Aqua Teen Hunger Force Zombie Ninja Pro-Am? It never crossed my mind before but it shares the same basic concept as Ninja Golf.

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Re: Proof of concept - Editing video at work

Never played it but I might have to snap it up.  And Gosh darn it to heck.  Now I am in third place!  That scoundrel.

Yeah I just happened to notice when I created the topic there was an option to add a poll so I figured why the heck not.  Glad it provided a lol.

Also I'm glad you two chaps are using the forum.  Perhaps I can try to get some more people posting in here.  I miss forums.
And by awesome I mean totally sweet.
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Re: Proof of concept - Editing video at work

How do you even Submit a score to twin galaxies now.  Is there a link to where it goes over the criteria.  I think I can retake it.  You just have to do a little point farming.
And by awesome I mean totally sweet.
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Re: Proof of concept - Editing video at work

Administrator  Enjoy this MCTV first half of a segment lads.
And by awesome I mean totally sweet.
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Re: Proof of concept - Editing video at work

I have gotten a few short videos done at work.  I guess the next step is to start planning some filming and footage capturing.  I bought another capture card for my laptop so on my nights off I might be able to get some games played and recorded.  Will have to set up a mobile battle station.

Here's a short review for Neo Geo Pocket Color

What do you think?  Look like trash?  Scrap it?  Good to go?
And by awesome I mean totally sweet.
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Re: Proof of concept - Editing video at work

Death Adder
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Re: Proof of concept - Editing video at work

In reply to this post by JerryTerrifying
That looked pretty nice. Was able to see a non-backlit screen pretty well. Is this gonna be apart of a Neo Geo Pocket Special? Gonna review Metal Slug and that Sonic game for the Neo Geo Pocket?