Is the PS2 considered retro now?

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Is the PS2 considered retro now?

Since the PS4 was announced a couple days ago, does that mean that the PS2 is considered a retro console now? Especially since PS2 production ceased completely worldwide back in January and that the PS2 is now officially two console generations old now.  
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Re: Is the PS2 considered retro now?

You know I was thinking about this the other day myself.  I know I said my personal guideline was two generations old and it's retro and it doesn't really seem to fit quite yet.  Technically the next Gen started with the Wii U and the PS3, 360 and Wii are all now the last generation.  I guess it's more of a grey area.  Perhaps the line for retro should be the 2D to 3D split?  OR maybe the entire situation is just pointless nit picking.  :D
And by awesome I mean totally sweet.
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Re: Is the PS2 considered retro now?

Death Adder
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Re: Is the PS2 considered retro now?

Death Adder are you following the Twitter or the Facebook?  I just might fire up the podcasting gear RIGHT FUCKING NOW and crank out a new MCC but you won't know about it because you don't twitter or facebook.  
And by awesome I mean totally sweet.
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Re: Is the PS2 considered retro now?

Death Adder
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Re: Is the PS2 considered retro now?

Well I a made a new ep last night.  You would know if you facebooked and tweetered.  Geez man.  Will be posting it to the site some time soon.
And by awesome I mean totally sweet.
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Re: Is the PS2 considered retro now?

In reply to this post by Balzak802
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Re: Is the PS2 considered retro now?

In reply to this post by Balzak802
You know whats retro? Not being able to find a real controller for love nor money so you have to buy some no-name-brand crap form china that breaks when you're away on holiday and 25 hours into persona 4 before realizing it's a shit game for entry-level weebs and 3 is a better game if you actually have a functional fucking brain.

Peronally I use either a PS1 controller or Dualshock 4
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Re: Is the PS2 considered retro now?

In reply to this post by Balzak802
We're going to have waves of Retro like comic books. To me, Retro is only the late 70s to mid 80s since Retro is meant to represent the beginnings of a trend. Label each wave by their bit era and there ya go. Very easy to understand metric. However, none of the consoles use more than 128-bit processing, so technically the last 20 years is one wave.

Anyways, to answer the question, PS2 is retro, but only through the shallow definitions of retro equals antique (aka, more than 15 years old.)
The Weebs fleeced my vidja collection.