Bullshit Zone 2018

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Bullshit Zone 2018

Death Adder
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Re: Bullshit Zone 2018

Yeah, I feel you on CGR's transition from Youtube to Amazon Prime Video. Have access to Amazon Prime and tried watching an episode and it's awful. Now instead of 8 minute reviews, he just clumps it all together into a 49 minute video that is released once a month. Old episodes though are still a classic and will gladly watch those over the new ones.

That Shenmue Collector's edition will be sweet when I get it. However, I doubt I'll get my physical collector's edition till 2020. Don't know about a video but will gladly post some pictures of it on this forum when I get it.

Yeah, E3 meh. What is there to look forward to now that Shenmue 1+2 HD was already announced. If they announce hard release dates for Shenmue 1+2 & 3 though, then that will make E3 for me.

Oh man, you got a Crunchyroll subscription Deatheradder? Then see if you can survive through Prision School. Just make sure you're watching it alone with the TV facing the wall.  
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Re: Bullshit Zone 2018

Death Adder
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Re: Bullshit Zone 2018

Oh man you added it? Well, good luck. It's some quality content.  

Speaking of which, you gonna catch up on Attack on TItan before your sub expires? Third season starts this July.
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Re: Bullshit Zone 2018

In reply to this post by Death Adder
yeah dude I just saw CGRs youtube and was like what the fuck?  His instagram was promoting some dumb ass shirt about bananas.  I have access to amazon prime and I did watch a little bit of one of his programs and it was fuck awful.  My woman didn't hate it but I felt like a retard watching it.  Gamester81 posted on facebook about how bummed he is youtube isn't giving him enough ad revenue.  But I remember when all these fags said back in 2009 that they just wanted to partner to remove the time limit on videos.  I thought they were all just really excited to share videos?  Money absolutely ruined youtube.  Real shame.

Bithead really is the only thing worth watching on youtube.  I mean you should also check out mecha menaces videos.  he puts in a lot of effort and gets just a handful of views.  What a bad ass.  

Some times at work I think about how to get some value out of youtube again.  I'd like to create a monthly email newsletter that collects shit worth watching.  I guess I could use the forum too.  But man time really comes in at a premium and I would definitely need the help of a Balzak or Mecha Menace.
And by awesome I mean totally sweet.
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Re: Bullshit Zone 2018

Just looked into those Classic Game Room T-Shirt videos even more and found something much worse.

Not only has Mark put up blatant advertisements for T-shirts but that he disabled comments and like/dislike interactions with those videos. He even did this for the trailer of the "Amazon Prime Exclusive" Classic Game Room 2085.

Well, at least we still have the backlog of old Classic Game Room videos to enjoy instead of this new garbage.

Was listening to the old MCC archive a while ago and always kept hearing Jerry how you always never had anything bad to say about Mark and CGR. Well, guess that came to an end with all of this.
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Re: Bullshit Zone 2018

What a load of shit.  I would think the Patreon money would be enough for him to keep doing what's made him famous.  Guess not.  All good things must come to an end I guess.  I felt like it was coming to an end when he started going on other podcasts and youtubes and shit.  I didn't mind the promotion of his books and junk in every video but meh.  His shtick was also beginning to wear thin. Ah well.
And by awesome I mean totally sweet.
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Re: Bullshit Zone 2018

Death Adder
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Re: Bullshit Zone 2018

I have an idea for an interview episode.  They've pretty much expressed interest in doing the show I just have to PM them and set it up.
And by awesome I mean totally sweet.