eBay Prices

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eBay Prices

The thing that bothers me about stores selling shit at eBay prices is that the eBay sellers aren't getting all of the purchase price.  A poriton of the buyers money is going towards shipping and eBay fees.  So what the seller is getting for the game is lower than the buyers final price.  So it bugs me a bit when stores are selling shit for a bit more than ebay prices.
And by awesome I mean totally sweet.
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Re: eBay Prices

JerryTerrifying wrote
The thing that bothers me about stores selling shit at eBay prices is that the eBay sellers aren't getting all of the purchase price.  A poriton of the buyers money is going towards shipping and eBay fees.  So what the seller is getting for the game is lower than the buyers final price.  So it bugs me a bit when stores are selling shit for a bit more than ebay prices.
Do you think physical stores clean and test shit more so than online sellers? The amount of no-work I see put into ebay listings is disheartening. You specialize in selling games?! Really?