Sega Genesis/CD/32X Everdrive

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Sega Genesis/CD/32X Everdrive

So, this is a thing

Can play Genesis/CD/32X games and you don't need the CD or 32X unit to play them. I would imagine this is a good buy for some people since Sega CDs are netorious for breaking down. Also would be a good way to play those Sega CD games like Snatcher, Cobra, or Lunar etc on actual hardware instead of paying the hundreds of dollars it would take to get legit copies.

Have any interest Jerry? Might pick this one up instead of the Genesis Mini Deathadder?
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Re: Sega Genesis/CD/32X Everdrive

Death Adder
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Re: Sega Genesis/CD/32X Everdrive

I don't know the Shenmue thing seems like PC cry babies getting mad over nothing.  I HAVE TO USE A DIFFERENT LAUNCHER TO PLAY IT ON MY PREFERRED PLATFORM WAH.

I'll have to look into this thing.  Glad there's an option that side steps having to own a Sega CD to play those classic games.
And by awesome I mean totally sweet.