Planned MCTV Segments..looking for feedback

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Planned MCTV Segments..looking for feedback

So I've got some google documents planning out MCTV.  I'm actually putting shit together and want to have an episode done by the end of the month.  However I just wanted to get some opinions on the proposed segments I have so far.  Which ones are you most interested in?  Which ones do you feel have the most potential for awesome?

And by awesome I mean totally sweet.
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Re: Planned MCTV Segments..looking for feedback

Death Adder
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Re: Planned MCTV Segments..looking for feedback

Having the segment play through the credits is a pretty good idea.  Would make shit look like REAL TV.
And by awesome I mean totally sweet.
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Re: Planned MCTV Segments..looking for feedback

Is it a cop out to say they all sound good, because that's my answer