Operation Rainfall Is Finally Complete

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Operation Rainfall Is Finally Complete

Well, it happened. I just got my copy of Pandora's Tower in the mail today which finally means that Operation Rainfall was a success and has finally come to a close with Pandora's Tower. Now I know people said that Operation Rainfall was not a success and did not help influence the release of these games. However, I think that Operation Rainfall with promoting these games to people that might have never bought these games, myself included, was a success. So I am glad that I was finally able to get all of these games after demanding them since June of 2011. So I will now play my last newly released Nintendo Wii game with Pandora's Tower.
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Re: Operation Rainfall Is Finally Complete

Awesome dude.  If I had the scratch right now I'd definitely get Pandora's Tower.  I have a sneaking suspicion it will be one of those more expensive titles in a few years if not sooner.
And by awesome I mean totally sweet.