Old School Pokemon

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Old School Pokemon

Anyone tried to play the old school Pokemon games lately?

Heard rumors of the new Pokemon being developed for the Switch and it's given me an urge to go back and dig up my old Pokemon games for the Gameboy/Color.

I have all the physical carts to the first and second gen games and an N64 with Stadium and Stadium 2 in storage. Wanting to dig it out but I feel like I have to get good at sodering first since I proabably have to change up the batteries in all those carts.
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Re: Old School Pokemon

Death Adder
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Re: Old School Pokemon

I tried to get into Pokemon a couple times and had some success and failure. Last one I tried to play was Black 2 back in 2012 and only got 2 badges in before I gave up. Never touched another one since then. However, I just want to play the old ones instead of trying out the new ones since those are the ones I wanna see if they hold up to me today.
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Re: Old School Pokemon

You probably only need new batteries in Gold, Silver and Crystal.  They had a clock built into them that drained the batteries.  I personally never cared for any of the pokemons after Gold and Silver.  The remakes of them are good but the DS games I never really cared for.  Haven't played a 3DS game.  I played one of the Gamecube games and liked it but didn't finish it.
And by awesome I mean totally sweet.
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Re: Old School Pokemon

yeah, i'm definitely gonna have to replace those gold,silver and crystal batteries. However, might as well replace the red,blue, and yellow as well since I don't want those to just die on my when I am halfway through those games.