No More Heroes

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No More Heroes

I actually started playing a video game and got to put a tiny bit of time into it.  Started up No More Heroes on the switch and have really been enjoying it.  I've had the first two games for the Wii sitting on my shelf for a while and haven't touched them but recently got the limited run collectors edition... for some reason.  Figured I would rather play it with a real controller and no waggle but I can see where the real controls on the Wii would be cool.  The third game comes out later this month so I will probably pick that up day one.
And by awesome I mean totally sweet.
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Re: No More Heroes

The PS3 version is your best bet. Improvements are made to everything, though move is supported. I think you will want the move & camera combo eventually so pick one up before they are too expensive. I like playing Epic Mickey 2 this way and there's the Rez-like game Child of Eden. The nav controller is worthwhile too.

I will say that PS3 controllers have a problem of the battery becoming useless. Even though you find a dualshock, motion, or navigation controller cheap, the battery is usually busted. I wonder if these can be "revived" like other rechargeables. I found a battery charger for AA and AAA which reconditions rechargeables to get more life out of them.