Mondocool thumbs

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Mondocool thumbs

What are the search terms that conjure dystopian / nightmarish images as those used for MCC episode thumbnails?

I know I've seen the one with the pig prior, but the normalization of such creepy imagery used to entice people to visit the general store is a fascinating creep show. I'm sure there's a tumblr of this stuff. The modern day screen caps pale in comparison to these stark images.

California is a mixed bag right now. Some people drank the koolaid while others are still on the pill. I can't be sure whether I should wear a gas mask when entering any store. I caught a clip of evil bill & ted on YT recently. They both were talking like it's a panda minefield in SOSOCAL, so I think I know where they get their reports. Nonetheless, even though I feel safe with people wearing bandanas and scarfs, I'd still like to know whether I caught cooties already.


Any plan on using thumbs like these in the future?

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Re: Mondocool thumbs

The thumb nails are probably just weird shit I saw on 4chan. Basically only retards and weirdos wore masks in Ohio. I would say it's been well over a year since people dropped them here. You still see the occasional weirdo wearing one.
And by awesome I mean totally sweet.
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Re: Mondocool thumbs

Death Adder
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