MSX Metal Gears?

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MSX Metal Gears?

Thoughts on Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 on the MSX? I beat MGS 3 a few months ago and realized that the original Metal Gears were packed in with it. However, I only played 5 minutes of Metal Gear and stopped. Maybe I will give it another try later on but I am not feeling the urge to play it right now.

Since you are the Metal Gear master Jerry, what do you think of these games?
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Re: MSX Metal Gears?

Death Adder
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Re: MSX Metal Gears?

That is the complete opposite for me though. I played through Metal Gear 1-4. I have the first Splinter Cell that I specifically used to hack my Xbox. After that, I played it for about 2 hours and never wanted to touch it again. We all have different tastes I guess.
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Re: MSX Metal Gears?

In reply to this post by Death Adder
@DeathAdder Konami got rid of Kojima to make cell phone games.  Not Kojimas choice.  They rushed MGSV and its like 2/3 done.

@Kazlab I've beat Metal Gear on MSX and it's ok.  It depends on how into old games you are.  When you beat the MGS3 updated version you get a bandana for unlimited ammo on subsequent play throughs.

I've never beat Metal Gear 2.  It's on my to do list for sure.
And by awesome I mean totally sweet.