I'M BACK! ... Where I've Been, etc -m15granger

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I'M BACK! ... Where I've Been, etc -m15granger

So I've been around YouTube a bit, hit the MCC website now and again but for the most part have been MIA.

I got into the show (and site/YT channel) around May 2010 IIRC. I was pretty hardcore for over a year.

Since then I moved from West Texas to Nashville with work, and then they transferred me to Houston.So I'm back in TX! I've moved a total of 2,000 miles & had to adjust to two new jobs/locations and all the lifestyle changes that come with it. Shit was busy! Settled in now... TIME FOR SOME MCC. Been into collecting, gaming, tinkering, hardware, etc as much as ever during my hiatus luckily!

Looking forward to getting back in this dedicated group. I tip my hat to JT, Shintai, Kaiser, Death Adder, Darth Tails, Balzak. Sure some new folks are around!

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Re: I'M BACK! ... Where I've Been, etc -m15granger

Also, Scotland Dan around these parts? I loved his obscure taste & PCEngine addiction.

 When is the next MCC? Was jacked to hear about upcoming MCTV production changes.
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Re: I'M BACK! ... Where I've Been, etc -m15granger

It's always nice when you check back in.  We need more regulars posting in here.  It's awfully lonely when I just post to myself all the fucking time.  :D  

The MCC is on an irregular schedule.  I try to get one out once a month but it's just whenever the shit I feel like doing it.  So follow the twitter or facebook because I usually announce when I'm about to go live other than that you just have to hit the downloads and itunes.
And by awesome I mean totally sweet.