Happy 10 Year Anniversery Mondo Cool TV

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Happy 10 Year Anniversery Mondo Cool TV

It's 12/9/2020 at 12:44 AM PST which means it's been 10 years since the first episode of Mondo Cool TV first hit the internet airwaves.

Happy 10 Year Anniversery MCTV

The link to the original video is down since blip.tv closed it's doors back in 2015.
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Re: Happy 10 Year Anniversery Mondo Cool TV

Wow man time sure does fly.  And I still haven't finished season one!  LOL.  I do want to go film a segment with Wes Gross https://www.facebook.com/RLATAKEOVER who owns a use game store in Cinci.  I went and did the pre show check out of the store about a year ago when I was on paternity leave at the last job.  The guy running the counter has since died.  Before I quit dispatch I bought a bunch of camera stuff for MCTV.  But now I have these two babies and less time then when I was working back to back doubles somehow!  But I do want to get out a few more MCTVS.
And by awesome I mean totally sweet.