I saw this on Zophar today.
https://xemu.app/ I don't know why this system was so hard to emulate. I think it was a lack of interest really. An emulator is in progress now though. I think there were two others which never seemed to take flight. Maybe there is a resurgence of interest in XBox exclusives that got this going. Here's a video of the past build: https://youtu.be/omaWgYB4jxk |
Very cool. The original Xbox was awesome.
And by awesome I mean totally sweet.
I was an Xbox hater BITD, but immediately after I got the beast (at a gsale, naturally), I found out that the system has exclusive games I want to play, it looks super sharp over component (something PS2 and GameCube failed to do on most games prolly because of lower output resolutions), offers optical audio out, and ethernet. This tech really was the start of next gen consoles. I think the 360 / PS3 era turned the jumble of new-age tech into the entertainment hub the original XBOX promised.
Another reason that eased me into XBOX life is that my gsale box was already hacked, had a drive with emulators, and was easy to figure out how to put more stuff on there. The afterlife of the system: emulators, unofficial PC ports, etc. really make this console deserve a place in anyone's setup. Two things I hate most about this system: large, heavy footprint and poor reliability of DVD drives. C'mon, the cube packed 4-player action in a tiny package. Maybe MS didn't want to tech a tiny powerhouse since it would take longer and more money (or maybe they didn't care because Americans love the Canyonaro). I've come across many with blinky lights. Is this due to poor ownership or poor manufacturing? I think I remember reading that it's possible to replace these with any DVD drive that fits but requires a more complicated hack. I could also be talking out my ass since I didn't re-research this before posting. I have some thoughts about the XBOX market due to this development, but I'd like to hear others chime in. Then I can get to the market :) |
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In reply to this post by mechaMenace
Poor manufacturing is the main cause. The DVD drive fails because the machine cooks itself to death. My brother Andy owned an Xbox and placed it in a well ventilated area. DVD lens burnt out within a year and a half. It was too hot for it's design.
Emulation for the Xbox is probably the best way to go since turning on the machine increases the chance of it exploding by 1,000%...every time it is activated. That is where my love/hate relationship ends with the system. I liked almost everything else about it.
The Weebs fleeced my vidja collection.
In reply to this post by Death Adder
It's weird how Burger King supported the original XBox with their dual-boot release Burger King games vs MS dropping support to get a year head start with the 360.
I wonder if there are any projects to micronize the XBox. In a similarly frustration about the Atari 5200, I sought whether Atari had plans to make a 5200 Jr. Well, it turns out that someone printed a new, smaller board for the 5200, placed it into a 2600 jr case, and gave it a horrendous paint job. It wouldn't be as easy as getting rid of empty space like the 5200, but I remember the original XBox was built from pretty much off-the-shelf components, so it makes sense to me that it could happen with enough know how. Heck, maybe later iterations of hardware with similar architecture were smaller and produced less heat. It's the making everything talk to each other and play nicely that would be tough--just my guess. How's that Turok game, DA? Is shooting dinos in the face still fun on the XBox? Was it made by the same crew as the original? |
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I got that Batman Sun Tzu game from a gsale and still haven't tried it out. It's a shame it's not up to snuff. I haven't played tons of Batman Animated Series games, but the ones I've tried are all crap except the one on GBW. That feels worthwhile, platformer / action-wise. Most feel like I'm playing an MS paint game. They have crappy models with crappy animations doing the videogame thing. Prolly the most worthwhile Batman I've played is Arkham Asylum (not a Batman Animated series game). Prolly the worst I've played is Batman Vengeance.
Even if the games you both bought were total butt, there's a less uncouth way of presenting that idea. The clerk thought he was helping, but actually his approach only belittled your choice. He could have been like, 'Oh, man, I tried that and didn't like it because of bip, boop, beep. If you like these types of games, I recommend bap. Have you tried bap?' Don't they make these kids watching training videos? I never got into the GTA games. I hear they are funny, but the idea of being a gangsta with drugs and guns is unappealing when I control the action. I've watched movies about gangsters and enjoyed them though. I saw Wrath Unleashed bitd and thought it looked like a modern day Battle Chess, which had me intrigued, but I think you need people around you to have fun. I passed on the "inferior" PS2 version at the thrift. Mistake? There aren't too many hockey games I'd pick up either. Maybe you bought it because you could make Gretky's head bleed. |
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I've never played Mutant League, but I'm all about Ice Hockey on NES.
I think it takes time to temper that kind of nerd-assery. At some point in life, you realize not every is you (opinions, background, etc.) and you are complacent with that fact. I think it's about exposure to different and waaaaay-different people. I get the open-worldness appeal. I remember being fascinated by the possibilities when I rented Body Harvest bitd. The same guys went on to make 3D GTA. Later I was extremely bored by the AssCreed games. I think I can handle only so much world. I heard the same whispers about Arkham Knight. As you know, I try to avoid spoilers of games I haven't played. Maybe I would have thought the batmobile kicks ass. Now I'm going to being looking for cracks in the game when I get the batmobile, when I eventually find more PS4 games. I rarely see these at the gsales. I did manage to get some OG XBOX this weekend. I nabbed an official XBox component cable (keep for backup), KOTOR2, DOA3, NBA Street 2, and a duke controller which are not common when I stumble across OGX. I think OGX is only starting to heat up price-wise, and some people will want to see if they can palm a duke now. |
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Oh, that's cute...wha wha wha waht? $70. Indeed, people are still charging that when I look it up now.
However, if you go to GS, you can swing one for half that in XBOX green: ![]() I'd probably hit up GS more, if it were within walking distance or at least didn't require me to trek over several steep hills (and back). I read about crazy deals people get at GS. I'm all about business and never cared to form a bond with the staff, even in the Funco days. |
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