As a Bomberman fan, ever play Planet Monsters?

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As a Bomberman fan, ever play Planet Monsters?

Every now and then this game pops up in my search. It's like Bomberman / Pengo. In some ways it looks fun, but I hate the main character's design. Anyone play it? I believe there is a two player mode.

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Re: As a Bomberman fan, ever play Planet Monsters?

First I have hard of it but I will have to check it out for sure.  Screen shots look good.
And by awesome I mean totally sweet.
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Re: As a Bomberman fan, ever play Planet Monsters?

I found another one called Booby Boys for GBW. Don't get too excited. I think the moniker is short for


It looks like a combo of Heiyankyo Alien and Bomberman. You dig traps. You can bomb enemies and structures. You can also pick up guns.

There's also a FC release that looks entirely different, so you could easily throw that onto your flash cart and give it a whirl.

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Re: As a Bomberman fan, ever play Planet Monsters?

Ok now Booby boys looks pretty bad ass.  I will have to fire up the Everdrive GB and give a shot some time when I have time.
And by awesome I mean totally sweet.