Achievements and Cloud Saves on old games

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Achievements and Cloud Saves on old games

Death Adder
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Re: Achievements and Cloud Saves on old games

That does seem pretty cool I will have to check out this feature.  I don't think I'll go through the hassle of setting it all up but I do see how it could focus some good ol autism.
And by awesome I mean totally sweet.
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Re: Achievements and Cloud Saves on old games

Death Adder
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Re: Achievements and Cloud Saves on old games

Maybe someday.  The only game I've played in the past few months is Wii bowling with my kids.  My daughter gets immediately frustrated and its kind of amusing to watch her blow a gasket.  She eventually got the hang of Wii Bowling.  My son still doesn't quite have it but he's having a good time no matter what's going on.  It's pretty neat.
And by awesome I mean totally sweet.