20th Century Toons Bracket: List your choices by midnight Dec 31

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20th Century Toons Bracket: List your choices by midnight Dec 31

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the gist:

Create a list of categories you want to be considered and voted on to be the

best 20th century cartoon series

 I will create a chart which then you fill out in January 2022.

Create one post with your choices. I just found out that I can edit my own post, so if you need to add or adjust your choices, edit your original post by midnight December 31, 2021 rather than creating a new one to simplify me searching for entries into the tournament between other dialog that happens in the thread.

Type each entry on their own line. Don't use commas or periods at the end of entries. It makes creating the tournament chart easier for me.
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Re: 20th Century Toons Bracket: List your choices by midnight Dec 31

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Re: 20th Century Toons Bracket: List your choices by midnight Dec 31

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I'm going back to the old chart option since my list of toons to be considered for the tournament is over 50 options. While I guarantee there would be crossover, that's a lot of editing requested from a super chill forum.

Create a list of categories. Try to hit 32 or so categories, but if you can't, whatever. I will collate then and try to match / cram choice into round holes to then create a chart similar to the Favorite Game Chart I created / updated (http://mondo-coolmunity-forums.167.s1.nabble.com/Favorite-Games-Chart-td1410.html)

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Re: 20th Century Toons Bracket: List your choices by midnight Dec 31

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In reply to this post by mechaMenace
OK, I could only think of 27 categories. List your choices by midnight Dec 31, 2021 to be considered for the chart

Best intro music
Best intro animation
Overarching Story-oriented (some goal the entire series is built upon)
Per Episode Story-oriented (well developed episode stories and characters, not necessarily action-focused or focused on an end goal for the series)
Best Main Character
Best PSA
Best meme-able PSA
Best Accurate Localization
Best Inaccurate Localization
Series started great but went too long
Real-life cartoons (toons which don't do anything outside the boundaries of our physical world, ie you can't set your pants on fire and be totally unscathed)
Toon short / small movie
Standalone movie (not a short) that is not Disney
Standalone Disney movie
Live action movie to Cartoon
Comic to Cartoon
Crossover series (Combines characters from multiple series to create unique series)
Adult humor
Crossover series (Combines characters from other series to make unique episodes)
Christmas special
Giant Robots
Looney Tunes (fill in the blank for whatever reason)
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Re: 20th Century Toons Bracket: List your choices by midnight Dec 31

Death Adder
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Re: 20th Century Toons Bracket: List your choices by midnight Dec 31

Yes, I feel the 2000s and beyond transitioned into different styles of toons and therefore will be excluded. There are Adult Swim gems prior to Jan 1, 2000.

An example of Live action movie to cartoon series is Jumanji

I want requests for categories which I will then use to build a chart.

I thought of doing some negative categories like worst blah blah blah, but I wanted to start out with an all positive premise. I know people will eventually shit on choices, but let's start out positive.

How about a compromise? Best Heel Character. That's sort of a negative - love to hate or hate to love. And, it also is a reference to those greasy bubble men you like to see squirming around each other in a bungie-bound quad.
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Re: 20th Century Toons Bracket: List your choices by midnight Dec 31

Death Adder
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Re: 20th Century Toons Bracket: List your choices by midnight Dec 31

I think I screwed up in explaining the idea to you. I wanted the community to come together and contribute towards categories which would be in the chart. The old chart has 32 categories.

Once January rolls around, I look at the overlapping choices and print a chart based on that info. Then you pop in your picks.

Say you have a category on your list that is titled Best Intro. Well, that overlaps two of my picks for Best Intro Animation and Best Intro Theme (I though it's best to distinguish the two). I think most likely everyone would have a category dealing with intros so the resulting chart would have an intro category or two.

Say you wrote a category called best series or direct-to-video dealing with the character Aladdin. That's probably not going to appear in anyone's list but yours, so you could put that in your specific 'other' category in the big block on the bottom-right of the chart.

Does that make sense? I didn't want to be the end-all-be-all of creating categories on the chart, though I would be the judge of which categories overlap.

You can keep your list of toons here, but I think it would be better if you saved it until the chart was minted.
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Re: 20th Century Toons Bracket: List your choices by midnight Dec 31

Death Adder
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Re: 20th Century Toons Bracket: List your choices by midnight Dec 31

In reply to this post by mechaMenace
Here's the best psa from captain planet.


And it works as a response to the advanced rule set in this thread. Mecha my man at best 4 people post here occasionally. You may want to take this into consideration during your extensive planning phase.
And by awesome I mean totally sweet.
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Re: 20th Century Toons Bracket: List your choices by midnight Dec 31

JerryTerrifying wrote
at best 4 people post here occasionally. You may want to take this into consideration during your extensive planning phase.
I thought giving a month lead time to contribute might catch more occasional drop-ins, especially when all they have to do is type a list of categories they want considered.

Is there a way to edit the title of a thread?
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Re: 20th Century Toons Bracket: List your choices by midnight Dec 31

Death Adder
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Re: 20th Century Toons Bracket: List your choices by midnight Dec 31

Andy Kaufman is my anti-troll persona. I find that the quickest way to dispel those who try to make me or those I care about feel bad is to make them feel alienated. I want to "incept" the idea of, 'Why did I even start down this road of leaving a comment? Why am I here? Do I care to continue?'. If you listen to the reply section of the last TCR (#412), you can hear Mr. Claw / CF's himself reading the repartee between me and a possible griefer on one of CF's vids.

How do I change the title of threads I create? I saw there is a move post link which asks me to enter a permalink. I assume I create a new thread with a new title, go to the options in the upper-right corner, and click on permalink, then enter that link in the original thread. I assume the original thread will disappear and only the new one will be visible with all the replies of the original thread. I didn't want to actually try this because I'm afraid it might delete replies or other content.
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Re: 20th Century Toons Bracket: List your choices by midnight Dec 31

Death Adder
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Re: 20th Century Toons Bracket: List your choices by midnight Dec 31

Death Adder wrote
Since I was the only one who participated, does this mean my list is the official results?
It means you jumped the gun. See the new thread with the cats laid out.